Automated Data foundation and Insights at scale


Real-time data

Real-time data

Our ActiveInsight for Streaming enables real-time analytics and action on your data streams. It enables to process, analyse, and derive insights from high-velocity data as its generated. This solution is crucial for applications requiring immediate responses, such as fraud detection, real-time recommendations, IoT data processing or real-time analytics.


What's different with us

Choose our ActiveInsight for Streaming for its high performance and reliability. Our solution is designed to handle massive volumes of streaming data with low latency. It offers flexible deployment options, including cloud and on-premises, to suit your specific needs. Our solution includes built-in fault tolerance and exactly-once processing semantics, ensuring the accuracy of your streaming analytics.

Empowering businesses to leverage their data efficiently for (Big) data analytics through automated data foundation in batch and real-time.
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Empowering businesses to leverage their data efficiently for (Big) data analytics through automated data foundation in batch and real-time.